Sunday, October 7, 2007

Water Safety Instructing

Many people my age work part time to keep some extra cash in their pockets. Most of them work part time in resterants, shops, or for family businesses. All of that is good and honest work. Yet I like to think of my part time job as one of the special ones. I am a certified water safety instructor which is generally a person who teaches people (mostly children) how to swim and be safe in the water. Some might think of me as a lifeguard, however a life guard just sits on a high chair and watches for any causualties, which rarely happen.
Water Safety Instructing is wear all the action happens. When I work I am in the water with a group of kids and I teach them the right techniques of swimming. Teaching this involves more than just words. It requires demonstration as much as explanation. Children always tend to get things wrong while they practice, ergo it is important for me to correct them with positive reinforcement. If I don't give the children positive reinforcement then they will be demoralized and may even cry, which is something I nor any other instructor wants. I enjoy working as an instructor, it never gets boring, you get to socialize with the other instructors, and the pay check is also good. It is a great part time job.

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