Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm a History Buff I am

History is the subject I love studying in school. I love history beecause it studying it draws meowy different from our's today. My favorite time periods go from ancient mesapotamia to the end of World War II. However I am not very interested in history after World War II because it is to similar to today.
When I was young I wasn't interested in history at all. In fact I actually dispised it whean ever I was learning it in school. Yet my interests changed dramatically when I watched this documentary on the discovery channel called the "Spartans at the Gates of Fire" wh ich was about the 300 spartans at the battle of Thermopylae. I was completely drawn in to tstinghat documentary which was both interesting and entertaining. That was the first time I developed an interest in history. From their my intrests in history expanded from the history of the Greeks to the history of the Romans and onward to the medeival and pre-modern times.
Today I constantly watch the history channel if there is a good documentary playing. I also love reading historical fiction as much as I love reading historical fact, such as "Gates of Fire" by Stephen Pressfield and "Brethren" by Robyn Young.

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