Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Experience on 9/11

It has been 6 years since the attack of 9/11, and I can still remember the horrors of that catastrophe, the continuous broadcasting of the airplanes crashing into the World Trade center and the towers falling, and the first time I heard the news which was from my junior highschool principle on my second day of school. My thoughts turned immediately to my dad who worked in Manhattan as a sheriff.
We were dismissed from school early that day and my mom picked me and my brother up. I asked what about dad, and it filled me with relief when she said "Daddy is okay, daddy is fine". I remember those words as clear as crystal to this day. However my dad was with the authorities and it was his job to stay overtime on ground zero. Normally he would be home by 4:00 but his overtime sceduele kept him there until 9:00 for two months. When he came home that day he was completely covered in dust. That whole day I thought New York was going to soon become a battlefield full of invading terrorists. Later after my dad came home I heard that my old best friend's father was killed in the World Trade Center. I immediatly felt sorry for her, and I thought it good of my church to name the avenue after her father. 9/11 is one of those days in which I will never forget the details of what happened that day.

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